Current Time for Perth Australia

Current Time for Perth Australia

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Note I sent to Lizzie


... just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. RELISH / ENJOY / SOAK IN this time, this season you're in. I have so many wonderful memories of my time in France back in '79-'80 (I also spent 33 days in '78). I can see you going back and revisiting your old haunts, even though I haven't for about 30 years now. Wish we could come visit, it would be a blast, but this week we focus on job continuation.

Bekkah is in charge of the "christian" group (co in charge w/ another girl) for the month of February at her school. They've been praying that I keep my job. My sentiments MOSTLY are that I'll still be employed after next week. Mom says she's at peace too. However, good feelings aside, we have to prepare for the possibility. So I covet your prayers too ...

I look at it like this. We are Jesus', we are in His care. He's refered to as the Prince of Peace and also the Refining Fire. I don't look forward to refining, but if he needs to "smelt" away gunk and hindrances, then so be it. I really would like to be 100% sold out, but that scares me. I like creature comforts. I like my flat screen tv, my cars, my home, my Keurig 1 cup coffee maker (ok, technically that's Mom's, but I do benefit from it). I really hope NOT to get layed off, because I REALLY want my girls to experience Bolivia. I know Mom won't go without me, and she asked again (makes me wonder if she's putting out a "fleece" to God) that if I lose my Fido job, that I will call Adam and tell him we're not going.

I really believe Mom will LOVE Bolivia. Can't you see her washing those babies? Can't you see her with children on her lap? Can't you see her in Chapare with the local women? Or perhaps at that clinic run by the Cuban doctors assisting them as an R.N.? I really believe that I won't lose my job, just so that God can get Mom out there to see what He has for her.

So, back to what's REALLY the reason for writing. Not to worry you, just to share. Just to let you know that you are LOVED. That Mom and I are so proud of you for taking this chance, to stretch yourself. Even when we are not there, we are there. Listen to your heart-beat, your breathing. Take yourself in, look at your reflection, know that we think of you often. Mostly, know that He who created you is looking after you. Though surrounded by the unfamiliar, know that He never ever plans on letting you go. That He and His angels watch over you, that you can converse with Him at any time, that He remains your hope and high tower.

Don't let anyone get under your skin. As scripture says "Count it all joy ..." Next time someone seems to doubt your ability, remember that they are a Godsend, someone God has sent your way to bless. Count it all joy baby, tell them that God loves them. See, life isn't always roses and sunshine but things happen for a reason. When you feel squeezed, turn to the Word, and let its healing prayers soothe you. Take a walk on a cobblestone street and remember the blessing you are experiencing. Listen to a local say "little bit" and smile. Know that you are LOVED, and God who died for you and smiles upon His creation and loves His Lizzie. Remember that Sunday is around the corner and you will get to worship in a world class setting! The sites, the smells, the culture all of it is there for you to remember that your are The King's kid!

I know it rains there, but remember it rains here. Wonder if the droplets of fog that are hitting your face once hit the face of a martyr, of your friends, of Rose Emelda or of Jesus of Nazareth. Know that you are connected to a family of believers who are in all parts of the world. Remember how I told you about the time I was in Spain, traveling by myself? Well if I did, here it goes again. I was on my Spring Break, and we had decided to go to Spain. For whatever reason, even though I had hitch-hiked and then met up with friends, I had none of them around me. I must have looked down, lonely or afraid, cause a young person, around my age or a little older, stopped me and rattled something out to me in spanish. I'm not sure if the deer-in-the-headlights look gave my lack of understanding away or if my american accent "Que?" did it, but he smiled broadly and said in a very heavy Spanish accent, "SMILE, Jesus loves you."

I did, and I remember it to this day. One of my "hermanoes in Christ" taking the time to share God's love. So, you are not alone, you are never alone. So have an awesome weekend. Do NOT feel pressured to doing anything you don't want to. Go to a flower shop, stop and smell the roses. Go to a gallery, and appreciate the hours spent creating the artwork, the imitation of the great Creator, the subtle features of the artist's pen. SMILE honey, God loves you and so does your Mommy and your Poppy.

Love, and hugs and kisses,


1 comment:

The Boisverts said...

I have tears flowing from this. What a blessed daughter you have, to have a Dad who loves her, and a Mom who loves her the way you both do. I hope you don't mind but I think I may print this out. For me, to think of it as a letter from my Heavenly Father, and also as a model for something for my own sons. Thanks for posting this, brother. I'm sure she needed to hear it. I did, too.