Current Time for Perth Australia

Current Time for Perth Australia

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow day in London

Liz got to stay home from her internship in London as they got "10 centimeters" (around 6 inches) of snow. The worst in 18 years a local tabloid reported. So she's at home in her flat today catching up on rest.

On a quirky note, she's dealing with a hyper-efficient fraud alert system. Her bank put a hold on her card as she tried to buy groceries yesterday. She had told them she would be in Europe, but apparently their systems still shut her down. Hopefully it is all squared away.

Bekkah and Rachel get to go to the gym "together" tonight. Rachel has uppped her workouts to 4 times a week. Bekkah is "trying it out" tonight. The gym does not have a level 8 program, but Bek is going for the exercise. She would not be able to compete this year even if she wanted to. She's nervous, as she hasn't worked out since she sprained her ankle last spring in NH.

Rachel has established herself as a hard-working team member. Here she is a "novice" pre-op, and her coach said if she goes through competition through the summer that he would move her to level 7 team next fall. She's worked hard and it has paid off. On other Rachel news, we find out if she got selected from the lottery for Wood's Charter School where Bekkah presently attends. If accepted, the plans are for her to go into her junior year at that same public high school.

We have workers all over our house, applying caulk, paint and nails to go through a punch list with our builders. Ah the joys of home ownership. The city of Durham is also replacing a "termite" infested phone pole. Maybe it's Duke Energy, and the city will add a light fixture once the power has been moved. Today they just put the pole in place.

Lucie was bummed today that one of her doctors just got layed off. A doctor getting layed off? Blame this economy, but his private practice did not make their numbers last year, so they are doing this to cut costs. Can you imagine? I thought the medical profession was recession proof, apparently not in private practice (hey, I think that's a theme the tv show has been dealing with of late.)

I find out tomorrow what my fate is at work as well. Promised the girls we would go to Bolivia if I'm not selected. They also want a pool, and that's on hold as well. Well, we are to trust in all things. My fate is in His hands and whatever happens, happens. I sure would like to blame someone else for this situation, but ultimately, I know that life isn't always easy or fair. "The rain falls on the just and the unjust". I pray that our department survives.


The Boisverts said...

Gerry, did you get news from work?? Hope it was good news...
...I can't believe Lucie's DOC even got layed goodness.

praisin said...

I am safe, thanks for asking. I know BCC has been praying, as well as our church staff down here too ( Hope your family is healthy!